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Volume: 7 - Issue: 2 - Year: 2022
(Türkiye İlleri Arasında Gelir Yakınsaması: Bir Gelir Eşitsizliği Yaklaşımı)
Reşat Can Akkay
(CDS, Borsa ve Döviz Kuru Arasındaki İlişkilerin Analizi: Covid-19’dan Kanıtlar)
Erkan Ustaoğlu
(İhracatın Sermaye Yapısı Üzerindeki Rolü: Firma Düzeyinde Bir Araştırma)
Ersin İnal, Bahadır Ergün
(Effect Mechanisms of Capital Markets on Housing Prices through Dynamic Causality: The Case of Turkey)
Erdost Torun, Erhan Demireli
(Panel Data Analysis of Telecommunications and Economic Growth)
Mustafa Bekar, Aslıhan Tüfekçi, Yeliz Yalçın, Furkan Emirmahmutoğlu
(Volatility Spillover between Baltic Dry Index, Oil, Gold, Dollar, and MSCI World Index)
Arif Özdemir Höl, Erdinç Akyıldırım, Şerife Kılıçarslan, Kader Çınar
(Co-Branding in Financial Products: A Study on Co-Branded Credit Cards)
Ceylan Bozpolat
(Impact of Business Group Relationship on Firm’s Earning Management Practices)
Emin Hüseyin Çetenak
(Testing The Cost Stickiness Theory: The Case of BIST Chemical Pharmaceuticals Petroleum Rubber and Plastic Products Industry)
Seval Elden Ürgüp
(Multi-Criteria Approach to Firm Performance Evaluation: An Application on the Banking Sector)
Gökhan Seçme
(The Effects of Cryptocurrency Market on Borsa Istanbul Indices)
Bekir Tamer Gökalp
(The Effects of BIST Manufacturing Industry Companies' Dollarization Propensity on Business Finance Policies)
Kürşat Yalçiner, Murat Topcu
(An Analyze on Far-Right Terrorism, Conspiracy Theories and the New Media)
Umut Yukaruç
(Russian Approach to Iranian Nuclear Issue in the Framework of Hedging Strategy)
Halit Hamzaoğlu, Erkan Salim Hoşfikirer
Mehmet Eraslan, Selahattin Koç