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Author Guidelines
Author Guidelines
Authors must obey the rules regarding citation and bibliography in the text.
The articles must be prepared using the template.
In addition to main documents, the author(s) should sign and submit following supplementary documents during initial submission. You can download the forms required by clicking the links below.
If the study does not require ethics committee approval: Declaration Form Stating that Ethics Committee Approval is not Required. If the study requires ethics committee approval: Ethics Committee Permission Form
Please consider following guidelines while preparing your manuscript:
1. The article must be submitted as a single word file.
2. Manuscripts should be supplied in Microsoft Word format, 11-font size (Times New Roman) and spacing should be set to 1.15. Paragraphs should be indented by 1 cm and 6 nk spacing should be left before the paragraphs.
3. Allow margins of at least one inch (3 cm) on all sides of the typed pages.
4. The headings and subheadings (including the introduction and conclusion) should be written in bold, first letter of each word in upper-case and numbered decimally such as 1., 1.1., 1.1.1. Should be one line space before headings.
5. Each article should be summarized in a single spaced 10-font size abstract of not less than 150 and more than 200 words. "Abstract" titles should be written in 11 font size.
6. Each article has at least 3 keywords and appropriate JEL codes (https://www.aeaweb.org/econlit/jelCodes.php?view=jel).
7. By giving a footnote at the end of the surnames of the author (s), the title, the institution, the e-mail and ORCID information should be written respectively. If requested, who is responsible for communication can be specified.
8. Footnotes should be written in Times New Roman, 10 font-size and single line spacing.
9. Equations and formulas should not be in picture format, should be centered on the page and numbered. The numbers of the equations and formulas should be written in brackets and on the right.
10. Tables, graphics and figures should be included in the text, numbered and centered on the page. Tables should not be in picture format. Tables should be prepared in 10 font size., single line spacing and no spacing between lines. Headings should be written left, bold, 10 font size. Headings should be at the top of the tables, below the figures and graphics. Source of tables, graphics and figures, should be written in 10 font size and single line spacing below the table, graph and figures.
11. References to sources should be shown in text rather than footnotes. The source of references made in the text must be included in the bibliography. Studies that are not cited in the text should not be included in the bibliography.
12. References in the bibliography should be listed in alphabetical order according to the surnames of the authors. References should be written with 10 font size, single line spacing and 6 nk spacing between paragraphs.
13. Declaration of Research and Publication Ethics, Researcher’s Contribution Rate Statement and Declaration of Researcher’s Conflict of Interest should be included at the end of the conclusion section of the article. A Statement of Support and Acknowledgment, if needed, can also be included. Please see template for how to locate these statements in the manuscript.
14. The statement whether an ethics committee approval and/or legal/special permission is required should be specified in the article. If required, information about the permission (board name, date and issue number) should be included either in the method section or right after the section (Declaration of Research and Publication Ethics).
Research Requiring Ethics Committee Permission
- Any research carried out with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment, interview techniques, - Use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes, - Clinical researches on humans, - Researches on animals, - Retrospective studies under the law of protection of personal data. Also; - In the case of reports, it should be stated that the "Informed consent form" was taken - Obtaining and expressing permission from the owners for the use of scales, surveys, and photographs of others, - Stating that the copyright regulations are complied with for the ideas and works of art used
Reference Guidelines
In-text citations should be given as follows:
Jensen (1986) argues… Topcu et al. (2018) states…
Please use "et al." for the joint articles with more than 2 authors. If more than one citation is used in the same parenthesis, the references should be separated with a semicolon.
In quotations given from a study published by an author in the same year, the quotations should be separated as a and b. Explanations regarding some of the issues to be explained in the text can be specified as footnotes below the page, and such footnotes must follow each other numerically. However, reference cannot be given in the form of footnotes or endnotes.
In quotations given from a study published by an author in the same year, the quotations should be separated as a and b. Explanations regarding some of the issues to be explained in the text can be specified as footnotes below the page, and such footnotes must follow each other numerically. However, reference cannot be given in the form of footnotes or endnotes.
Preparing References List
Please consider APA format while preparing references list. Please use following formats where required.
If DOI available:
Fama, E.F. and Schwert, G.W. (1977). Asset return and inflation. Journal of Financial Economics, 5(2), 115-146. https://doi.org/10.1016/0304-405X(77)90014- 9
Shen, C.H. and Lin, K.L. (2010). The impact of corporate governance on the relationship between fundamental information analysis and stock returns. Emerging Markets Finance & Trade, 46(5), 90-105. doi:10.2753/REE1540-496X460506
If DOI is not available:
Fama, E.F. and Jensen, M.C. (1983). Separation of ownership and control. The Journal of Law & Economics, 26(2), 301-325. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/
Acemoglu, D. and Robinson, J.A. (2012). Why nations fail: Origins of power, poverty and prosperity. London: Profile.
Acemoglu, D. and Robinson, J.A. (2012). Why nations fail: Origins of power, poverty and prosperity. London: Profile.
Edited Books
Paradi, J.C., Yang, Z. and Zhu, H. (2011). Assessing bank and bank branch performance. In W.W. Cooper, L.M. Seiford and J. Zhu (Eds.), Handbook on data envelopment analysis (pp. 315-361). Boston: Springer.
Working Paper
Grossman, G.M. and Kruger, A.B. (1991). Environmental impacts of a North American Free Trade Agreement (NBRE Working Paper No. 3914). Retrieved from https://www.nber.org/papers/w3914
Conference Paper in a Book
Wilkinson, R. (1999). Sociology as a marketing feast. In M. Collis, L. Munro and S. Russell (Eds.), Sociology for the new millennium (pp. 281-289). Papers presented at The Australian Sociological Association, Monash University, Melbourne: Celts Publishing.
Conference Paper in an Internet
Taylor, J.A. (2006). Assessment: A tool for development and engagement in the first year of university study. Paper presented at the Engaging Students: 9th Pacific Rim in Higher Education Conference. Griffith, Australia. Retrieved from http://www.fyhe.com.au/past_papers/2006/Papers/ Taylor.pdf
Unpublished thesis/dissertation:
Berg, D.H. (2003). Prospective leadership development in colleges and universities in Canada: Perceptions of leaders, educators and students (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada.
Pew Hispanic Center. (2008). 2007 Hispanic Healthcare Survey [Dataset]. Retrieved from http://www.pewhispanic.org/datasets/
Internet Resources
Slat, B. (2019, April 10). Whales likely impacted by Great Pacific garbage patch. Retrieved from http://www.theoceancleanup.com/updates/whales-likely-impacted-by-great-pasific-garbage-patch/